Thursday, August 16, 2007


Reptilians eat fear energy. It is 'yellow' hz energy, which entrains to zero, but exists. They must be so weak at absorbing energy that they must be fear-fed. Humans, being gardeners and helpers by nature, practically give energy away to any legitimate source. After the knowing good & evil thing, humans are leaky faucets, and have a key to solve and defend against evil, as in a garden,

A parasite will produce addictive properties, anticoagulants, and anaesthetics to keep a host providing. Reptilians and other psychic and empathic parasites do this as well. Aliens can seed humans with electromagnetic pathways or EM-pasasite beings to influence their movements. Have you ever gotten a strong urge of sorts? Seek to control and understand these things. Mentally, it can be like trying to hold a stick of butter or a slimy frog, and the thought or topic will slip away from you and you will be distracted by other 'better' topics. Examine the topic that seems to be avoiding you, and try to find ways to become mentally stronger and more focused.

Like a starving man, they will find any excuse to attack or justify an attack against you.

They will rarely kill you, or destroy you entirely, as you are a food producer. This also makes exact [8, 1] reciprocation ineffective, because it will not kill or destroy them, only degrade them, which they are more used to.

I can love someone and still not obey them, often because I love them. Obeying is 11. Love is 12. Love is superior to law. Law merely describes love.

I encourage you to examine this series with Peggy Kane, and to examine the works of Edgar Cayce.

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