Monday, March 03, 2008

If advanced aliens have given special technology to some of our world leaders, such as the HAARP program, ~free energy machines, and the microwave, how are we to compete with them in the modern era? Is it any wonder society hasn't advanced except in nominal ways since about 1972? We received massive technologies from aliens in that time period and began using and studying them as a culture.

Bones can heal and regrow while not under traction. It requires intelligence versus magnetism. 9>8, vs 10>8. 9>8 is still true. This is necessary to overcome lawfully the overbearing 10-practices of the intelligentsia who have been seeded with alien technologies. We will unify as 11>10 and progress.

I want the alien technologies given to those leadership humans since WW2.

It is said that humanity's warlike nature is holding us back, and this is true. Those organizations of energy are off-center. Greater articulation into the goal and the procedures are required to cause excellence.

If I were appointed to a place of protection, would I continue to herald and guide the people in the world who had less and were downtrodden? Yes. This is progression to me. Activities above this could begin to consume more of my time but this action is right and would be cared for.

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